The portraits of mine above were made out of boredom. Yes, they were unintentional and taken at different times. Some were taken when the days were so cold and rainy, and I really couldn't go out so I was stuck in my room. Some were taken when the sun being so painfully shiny and all I could wear was the thinnest tshirt. The others were taken in the middle of the night when insomnia wouldn't leave me alone. They are practically the fruits of my boredom.
Speaking of the portraits, it was so fun taking them all. Aside from killing my boredom, I also get to practice how to point my face to the right angle and make a good expression (which I failed miserably) so my face won't look weird. I have plenty of those photos that have my face looked worse than Spongebob's stupidest face ever seen on TV. That's why, I'm always mesmerized (and jealous) by those bloggers or models that could produce so many amazing pictures without being afraid of looking weird because they were born so photogenic. Damn, their genes.. and their photographers!